Thursday, May 5, 2011

Who are we performing for?

Music is spiritual. The music business is not. -Van Morrison

Anyone who knows me knows that I love music and I never pass up a chance to attend music shows. Recently I heard about a show and I was completely unfamiliar with the artists. Jonny Brush (a guy I'm working with to help promote his music) and his wife adore this band and their music. I wanted to get a feel for the style of music that he appreciates; so, I went with a female friend to the show.

On the way to the show, my friend played their album. The music was intoxicating. It was music that shared stories, deep stories of love. The music was so powerful and intimate in its sound that it was almost impossible not to fall in love with it. And I did.

Less than an hour after hearing the songs for the first time, I was witnessing the songs being performed. The sound of the songs were just as captivating in person, but so was the energy of the performers. As I watched the interaction between the artists first off-stage and then on-stage, I became slightly uncomfortable. Both artists wore wedding rings and my friend mentioned that they were both married, but not to each other. The interaction on stage, however, seemed to tell a different story. I ran into a couple other people I knew at the show and both commented on the intense flirtatious interaction of the artists as well.

I left the show a little frustrated and disappointed to be honest. Even if the interaction between the artists is just for the sake of the show, isn't the value of marriage more sacred than ticket or cd sales? After all, today's world doesn't offer us many examples of incredible marriages. Marriages that are built around unconditional love. A love in such opposition to our selfish nature, that it requires work. Love is not easy to come by and to maintain (lust is).

The next day, I learned that one of the artists was actually someone who had released some Christian albums in the past. I worked at a Christian bookstore in high school when she was big and was very familiar with her past albums. This connection made me even more confused.

Our lives are always on display, on-stage or off. For those who believe in God, every action and decision we make is an opportunity to testify to His glory. With a platform so big and a nightly stage so easily available, I can't help but wonder...who and what is she performing for? Because to me, the answer to that seemed unclear.

*My blog is my opinion and for that reason, I have left out the name of the band. My objective is reflection and is not to judge anyone, especially someone I don't even know. I'm sure I often reflect the Gospel or God poorly in  my own life. I just want to be a follower and to encourage other believers to realize that our lives (actions) are always on display, whether good or bad,  and may come into question by a non-believer. God is always the correct answer, but is He always the answer we are pointing toward?