I've fought with the wind
I've wrestled with the seas
I've been captured by the enemy
But always I've been freed
I've strayed from the path
I've gotten lost in the trees
I've fallen off the cliff
But there was water beneath
I've been hunted by the wolves
I've been taunted by the snake
I've been sat on by the elephant
But my heart they could not break
I've been in the fire
I've been in the pit
I've been in the ditch
But I did not quit
I've been defeated
I've not done well
I've lost
But I did not fail
I've fallen
I've been bruised
I've suffered
But I was not used
The wind and the fire
The animals and the trees
The fears and the worries
The bruises and the seas
Have all made me stronger
And resilient is a good thing to be
Cause when you bend, you don't break
And you learn to have sympathy