(I apologize if a google search led you here when you searched for "something awesome.")Spring Cleaning...

Sometimes we ignore the clutter, we let the past pile up so high...the present can be hard to find and the future is definitely covered up. I started a spring cleaning (which I personally like to call the spring purge). I cleaned out unneeded texts on my phone, I piled up unworn clothes, I threw away bits and pieces of the past...and I found myself feeling a sense of freedom. It's like the things I owned and the memories I was letting dust live on, were weighing me down. We do the same thing with God, we let the clutter of our past, our bad choices, and our doubt...keep us from being able to focus on the present with Him. As I clean up my room (physically) I also pray that I will clean up my relationship with God...focus on the present with Him so that He can continue to build my future.
Noteworthy: Cars break. Jobs don't always pay enough. But occasionally if you ask, you might get something worth its price...(pizza below was five dollars in total. thank you katherine).

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