Best part about my job is being able to get devotionals from Pastors and proofing them because they often say something I've been needing to hear...
The Myth of Free Speech
James 3
Americans have long held to the right of free speech. The Founding Fathers even went to the extent of declaring it in written form in the Bill of Rights. But is there really such a thing as free speech? For example, I am not free to stand up in a crowded movie theatre and yell "fire" when there is no fire. If I do so, I can assure you the other movie goers and law enforcement officials will have something to say about it!
The Bible teaches that Christians have freedom in Christ, but that freedom is tempered by personal responsibility (Galatians 5:13). Believers are not free to speak as they please. Believers are to choose their words carefully because words have the ability to hurt and destroy. Once careless words are spoken, the damage is done and we may never be able to repair the damage.
In the New Testament book of James, the writer explains how powerful our words can be.
I. Words have the power to influence
The power of speech is one of the greatest powers God has given us. The ability to speak words that influence and inform others is a great gift that we often take for granted and misuse.
James writes to caution us to guard our lips.
The person who is able to discipline his tongue and control his speech shows spiritual maturity. Likewise, the inability to control our speech is a sign of spiritual immaturity.
James says that if we can control our speech (tongue) then we can control our whole body. Since words usually lead to deeds, if we can control our words we can control our actions.
II. The tongue has the power to inflame (vv. 5-8).
James compares the tongue to a fire because, like a fire, our words can leave in their wake both damage and destruction. Careless words said out of anger, frustration, envy, or meanness can make a bad situation worse.
We must learn to control our speech, and in order to do that, we must first learn to control the attitudes and feelings of our heart. Untamed words come from an untamed heart.
The Bible says, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)
Our speech should seek to help lift up, build up, and hold up others. We are to speak the truth in love---not bitterness, pride, or anger.
III. The tongue has the power to inform (vv. 9-12).
Finally, James uses two types of imagery to portray the positive effects of the tongue: a fountain and a tree.
The fountain represents water which was as precious a commodity in ancient world as it is in the modern world. Without water, we cannot sustain life. But for the water to be useful for drinking it must be pure, without harmful chemicals that could make us sick or worse. Likewise, our words must come from a pure heart and help build others up, not tear them down.
Trees were important in Bible lands because they provided beauty and shade, helped hold down soil and produced fruit. The most important part of a tree is its root system. The deeper the roots go into the soil, the stronger and healthier the tree will be. Likewise, for our words to be positive, encouraging, and a delight to the Lord our spiritual root system must run deep. We develop a strong root system by spending time in God's word and by communicating with God in prayer.
James concludes by saying that you only get one kind of water from a spring and one kind of fruit from a tree. Thus, only one type of speech should flow from our lips or be produced by our mouths. If our speech is inconsistent then it means something is wrong with our heart.
The Bible says, "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." Matt. 12:34 (NIV).
What kind of language do you use? Profanity and gossip are not the only kinds of ungodly speech. Christians are called to have speech that is "seasoned with salt." (No matter what the situation we should) speak the truth in love.
---Edited version of a devotional by Associate Pastor Michael Beeks of Standing Springs Baptist Church---
thanks for sharing this. great stuff. :)