Tuesday, August 11, 2009

to trade or not to trade.

Ok, so I've had quite a lot going on lately. Although I love staying busy, working 6 days a week can get tiring...and I've relocated to a new "temp" home...where we do not have internet. So, working on blogs at night when I used to read and write...just hasn't happened. I'm still reading though...and part of my current job even requires that I gather and read pastor devotionals for my weekly paper. It's been a huge blessing and I feel like they general speak to my soul and uncover some of the sin in my own life...and through prayer and conviction, draw me closer to Christ. I've had some amazing talks with people lately...that I hope I can write about soon when I have more time.

(Reminder to myself: David, Mr. Beard with no Beard, and more).

I look forward to writing some of my own thoughts down soon...But for now I will have to borrow from a pastor devotional. It's a good one though.

"Is your relationship with Jesus something your friends, co-workers or neighbors would be willing to trade for? We always say that as Christians we want to live in such a way that people will see something different in us. I fear that one of the reasons why unbelievers are not attracted to Christianity is because they don’t see the point of giving up what they have for what we have to offer. Unfortunately most unbelievers see Christians as inward looking, outward condemning, know-it-all, holier than thou, judgmental, “come to my church” type people. Instead of seeing Christ-like, generous, hard-working, unselfish, forgiving and hearts breaking for those who do not know Jesus type people. And we wonder why more people don’t go to church?

I pray that our lives and our churches will be a light for others. Not one that is so bright that it is repelling, not a light that only shines in a church building so no one in the world can see it, but a genuine, beautiful light that helps lead people to Jesus." (Written by Pastor Dan Atkins at Discover Church)

1 comment:

  1. Great words Britteni! (even if they weren't written by you)
