Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wisdom in other's words...

"There are times when something needs to be done and yet we know that if we step up and do this needful thing, we will pay a heavy personal price..." -CS Lewis

"It is about the greatness of God, not the significance of man. God made man small and the universe big to say something about himself." -John Piper 

"We serve God be serving other. The world defines greatness in terms of power, possessions, and prestige, and position. If you can demand service from others, you've arrived. In our self-serving culture with its me-first mentality, acting like a servant is not a popular concept." -Rick Warren

"The purpose exceeds the pain." -Beth Moore

"God doesn't tell you to do hard things so He can stand back and laugh and watch you struggle . He tells you to do things,  the things that He knows are gonna work out for your good in the end." -Joyce Meyer 

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