Monday, December 12, 2011

When it hurricRAINS...

Lately I've noticed that Rainy Days don't seem to be anyone's favorite. 

At the Starbucks where I work, on rainy days the customers seem quieter, the air colder, everyone's mood more soaked with tension and frustration. That includes the employees I work with. And it got me thinking about rainy days recently. Occasionally to customers I'll say, "have to have the rain days to appreciate the sun, right?" Seems simple, silly really.

But isn't it kind of true? In fact, I would say that rainy days are essential to appreciating the sun. Not only that, but rain days are crucial to the beauty of life that relies so heavily on the rain. Without the rain, things don't get fed, they don't get nourished, they don't grow. 

So when it seems disgusting out, cold and wet, and my mood is damper...I'm going to start remembering that I need to appreciate the rain. Because through the gloom and the gray and the cold darkness of it all, I am able to grow and to live...and to better understand how fond I am of the light. 

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